Innovation excellence program
Embed innovation in your company! Through a tailor-made program you will be able to anchor innovation in your strategy, way of working, organisational structure, culture and ecosystem.

What you'll learn

- What is your innovation ambition, vision & strategy?
- How far do you want to reach and what is your ultimate goal?
- What is the link between innovation & your organisation’s strategy?

- Do you have the right projects in your project pipeline?
- What is the focus of your strategic innovation portfolio?
- How do you govern innovation?
- How do you keep track of innovation?

- How do you go from challenge, problem to a ready-to-market solution?
- How effective is your innovation process?
- Is it complete?
- Is it accessible, understandable, and systematic?

- How effectively are the people in your organisation engaged in the innovation process?
- What can be done to make innovation easier for everyone?
- How can you empower your organisation and build an innovation culture?

- Do you have the right infrastructure & collaboration tools in place to support innovation?
- Are you using the right mix of inside and outside resources?
- How do you cooperate with your partners & ecosystem in innovation?