
In these volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous times, it is often difficult to predict or forecast the future. At the same time, the need to understand the future has never been greater.

Foresight exercises, such as scenarioplanning, enable companies to deal proactively with these uncertainties and map out different plausible futures.
Foresight plays an important role in challenging organisations to step out of their comfort zone in order to make the right transformation decisions.

TomorrowLab has extensive expertise in developing well-founded and plausible future scenarios in many sectors. We guide organisations in the use of future scenarios for strategic and innovation challenges.

The result? You are ready for tomorrow and will make well-considered decisions about the future.

Here you can find out more on our approach for scenarioplanning and future foresight or watch our video about scenario planning.

How we'll help you

  • Trends and uncertainties insights
  • Future readiness evaluation
  • Turn static forecasts into scenarios and models


Based on future insights, we explore strategic options and create your future mission. Together, we define an agile and dynamic strategy that will stand the test of time. Moreover, we define which capacities (innovation, digitalisation, ...) your organisation needs to develop. This way, you ensure that your organisation remains relevant and future-proof.

Learn more about strategy in our strategy stresstest brochure.

The result? With "strategy" you are able to anticipate changing circumstances and stay ahead.

How we'll help you

  • Define & align future visions and strategy
  • Opt for dynamic roadmapping and stay ahead
  • Seize opportunities and mitigate threats

Develop & Deliver

To become a leader, organisations need to leapfrog their competitors. Innovation is key to achieve this. Therefore, in line with their strategy, we guide companies in defining opportunity areas for innovation.

Equipped with the right innovation expertise (business and landscape analysis, design thinking, ecosystem building, market consultation, innovation program management etc.), we enable companies to uncover unmet customer needs and effectively develop viable business models. After all, the goal is to activate projects that will strongly contribute to your future ambitions. Moreover, innovation is not an isolated process. You need an ecosystem to leverage external capabilities and build solid partnerships.

The result? With "develop and deliver", we turn business opportunities into viable business models through applied innovations. We ensure your project's success.

How we'll help you

  • Discover unmet needs of your customers
  • Develop solutions and business models that create value
  • KPI roadmap, go-to-market model, ...

Innovation Excellence

For innovation to pay off, an organisation must do more than just define innovation projects. Innovation needs to be anchored in the DNA of a company. This means that your company needs to determine different factors. How will innovation be used to achieve strategic objectives? Which challenges need to be tackled as a priority? Which projects will or will not be started? Which methods and processes will be followed? How can we better structure innovation within our organisation? How can we make innovation more efficient? How can we shorten our time-to-market?

We help clients to provide answers. This way, TomorrowLab unlocks your full innovation potential.


  1. Maturity Scan: this assessment shows the maturity in terms of innovation. It's a zero measurement based on interviews.
  2. Training: through a multi-day training program, key innovation tools and methodologies are taught.
  3. Coaching: in this phase, we guide concrete innovation projects from problem or idea to future-proof business models and validated innovations.
  4. Framework: embed a new innovation approach and framework that can be used for future innovation projects, aligned with the DNA of your organisation.

The result? A process that stimulates continuous innovation in a structured, effective and efficient way.

Interested in a maturity scan for your organisation? Contact our team or discover more in this brochure.
We also have specialized tracks for sustainability excellence and digitalization excellence.

How we'll help you

  • Assess your innovation maturity and gain insights
  • Discover opportunities and accelerate your business
  • Develop and execute an innovation maturity plan

Connect & Ecosystem

To innovate, you need partners who face common challenges and/or have complementary skills. Together, more can be achieved. Participating in a relevant ecosystem can open doors. It allows you to learn from others, to test or refine ideas and to discover new opportunities. Future scenarios are also interesting to apply in citizen participation, as we did for departement Mobiliteit and Openbare Werken.

Together with Living Tomorrow, TomorrowLab offers the possibility of discovering new partners. TomorrowLab has extensive experience in bringing partners together through expert and executive roundtables and specific workshops. TomorrowLab facilitates these sessions as a neutral catalyst so that a win-win can be achieved for all parties. For example, as TomorrowLab we host and organize the Living Tomorrow Innovation Missions.

The result? Validated ideas, robust business models or relevant partnerships.

How we'll help you

  • Strenghten your internal and external innovation network
  • Identify and explore collaboration opportunities with partners
  • Connect with partners in the Living Tomorrow ecosystem

Workshops & trainings

  • Keynote: We offer engaging keynote presentations on various topics to keep you ahead in a rapidly changing world. Discover all our speakers in the Living Tomorrow Keynote corner.
  • Innovation and strategy training: discover the Living Tomorrow Academy with various trainings programs, both open trainings as in-company. Innovation taught by true innovators!

How we'll help you

  • Future Trends Session
  • Innovation process training
  • Business Model Canvas training
  • Keynotes
  • Foresight and scenarioplanning