Key benefits

Actionable outcomes icoon

Actionable outcomes

Quickly improve your business based on our hands-on insights

Tailored approach icoon

Tailored approach for your specific challenge

You bring the assignment to the table. We help you find solutions.

Advantage icoon

Develop a competitive advantage

We help you to do "the right things right".

How it works

Your company's challenges are unique. That is why we develop a tailor-made program for your company.

We analyse these challenges and apply our expertise in Foresight, Strategy, Develop & Deliver, Innovation Excellence or Connect to co-create and deliver realistic solutions that add value and differentiate your company.

These programs can range from bringing in outside-in insights, developing competitive strategies, a new go-to-market strategy, redesigning your services, innovating future-focused products, building innovation skills, or entering into new collaborations.

TomorrowLab's insights provide a quick way to get help for a specific challenge your organisation faces. This track helps you do "the right things right".

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What you'll learn

  • Understand the future (foresight)
    • Build a common understanding of drivers of change in your market
    • Experience future scenarios, brought to life
    • Understand how future scenarios might impact your organisation

  • Formulate a strategy (strategy)
    • Build a thorough understanding of opportunities and challenges ahead of you
    • Evaluate the robustness of your current business strategy
    • Determine what can be done to create a future-proof strategy

  • Execute innovation (develop & deliver)
    • Come up with relevant and innovative ideas
    • Develop business models for products and services that customers really want
    • Build a go-to-market strategy

  • Build innovation capabilities (innovation excellence)
    • Determine your innovation strategy
    • Create and manage your innovation portfolio
    • Set-up a lean innovation process and culture

  • Connect with others (connect & ecosystem)
    • Establish relationships with future partners
    • Discuss and explore opportunities together
    • Innovate together with a strong ecosystem

On the platform of TomorrowLab you find both partners and end users, as well as companies that are working on different technologies, yet have the same concerns as ABB.

Jo Pauwels, CEO ABB

Thanks to TomorrowLab, we´re learning to broaden our vision. We got a sparring partner who helps us make well-founded decisions that will benefit the town over the long term. Even if we´re going against the current.”

De Neve, alderwoman, Aalter

Talk to one of our experts

Our team of innovation experts is eager to assist you in the development of a future-proof organisation. Get a free intake!

Our experts in this domain

Ehsan Karimi Rad
Ehsan Karimi Rad Domain Lead
Astrid Bastiaens
Astrid Bastiaens Innovation & Strategy Consultant
Dorien Piessens
Dorien Piessens Innovation & Strategy Consultant
Tine Van Hecke
Tine Van Hecke Innovation & Strategy Consultant/Manager Living Tomorrow Academy

What we did for other clients


Q8's navigation through industry changes

Q8, a big player in the energy sector, is driving the transition from traditional hydrocarbons to sustainable energy solutions. Amidst stringent CO2 regulations and a heightened call for ecological stewardship, Q8 faces a pivotal challenge. Hence, achieving a delicate equilibrium between this transition and enhancing its workforce's proficiency in strategy, innovation, and digitalisation becomes imperative.

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The pharmacist of the future: a new role and an efficient governance model

The healthcare landscape is undergoing a transformative shift, accelerated by technological advancements. In this respect, the Belgian public pharmacy sector is no exception. How can the officina pharmacist best prepare for 2030? And how can professional pharmacist associations within this complex ecosystem organise themselves to efficiently support the pharmacists of the future?

Beweegwijzer web

Solidaris' challenge: translating strategic objectives into tangible innovation

In the pursuit of forward-looking healthcare, Solidaris, the socialist mutual insurance company, faced the challenge of translating strategic objectives into innovative projects. Throughout a strategic multi-year journey, TomorrowLab guided Solidaris in formulating a clear vision highlighting the crucial role of prevention. Now, the challenge remains: how do you translate this vision into actionable steps?

Our other offerings

Business transformation

Business transformation

Sharpen your vision and stay future-proof.

  • Define a shared vision on the future
  • Future-proof Organisation
  • Create a powerful innovation ecosystem
Living Tomorrow Academy

Living Tomorrow Academy

Advanced programs, masterclasses, courses and keynote speakers

  • Learn from the best
  • Join an innovators community
  • Explore all sides of innovation
Living Tomorrow Academy

Living Tomorrow Academy

Programma's voor gevorderden, masterclasses, cursussen en keynote sprekers

  • Leer van de besten
  • Word lid van een innovators community
  • Ontdek alle aspecten van innovatie
Digital transformation

Digital transformation

Be digital.

  • Align on future-driven goals
  • Set-up a business-tailored governance
  • Differentiate yourself
Sustainability transformation

Sustainability transformation

Foster environmental responsibility and resilience.

  • Integrated sustainability
  • Tailored approach
  • Build an innovation ecosystem