Is your organisation fit for its future purpose? For a large part, that depends on how you deal with external drivers. These interconnected issues shape the context of your organisation constantly. They challenge you to rethink the way you do business every day. But the good news is: you can prepare for them, better still, manage them. In this blogpost we share with you 4 guiding questions and supporting tips to help you transform your organisation from what it is today to what it should/could be in the future.
1. Get insights in the changes ahead and create a “burning platform” for change.
- What is happening in your market or ecosystem? Take a look at start-ups and see what they are doing. Read sector reports. Map out your ecosystem and evaluate which actors are changing roles.
- What are the driving forces of change in your contextual environment? Map out impactful trends. Explore the possibilities and even potential threats of technology. Think in possible scenarios for the future.
- What problems do you want to solve for your future customer? How to get better insights in future (client) needs? Immerse yourself in your customer's future world. Deep dive in customer journeys.
- Bundle the insights in an inspiring narrative for change. Think of ways how you can let them experience what’s coming in the future.
2. Is the value that you offer future proof? Is your business model future fit?
Align your business with the changing context. Ask yourself if your business model still works in the future scenarios. You may need to rethink it and innovate your offering.
- What value will you offer? Try to stay away from small improvements of your current offering. Dare to explore new ways of value creation.
- How to improve or reinvent your business model? Stress-test your current business model. Think of ways to do things differently. Question the way you ‘have always done things’.
Explore many options for the future by tapping into the creative power of your teams and ecosystem partners.
The extended business model canvas
3. What is your ambitious vision for the future? Set your aim high enough!
- How to set an ambitious vision? Create the necessary buy-in by involving important stakeholders in formulating this vision. Think in desired outcomes (the WHAT), not in ways to achieve them (the HOW).
- How to put a rolling strategy in practice? Be aware that strategy is a moving target. Your strategy is your current best guess! But it's only a guess. Monitor signals of change and adapt your strategy accordingly. Work with both an execution and experimentation roadmap.
- Formulate an ambitious vision statement and a storyline that enthuses your employees. You need to win their hearts and minds for the transformation.
4. How do you set up an organisational model that better fits future needs?
Align your organisational model with the future vision and business model. Form a change coalition that helps to set out the path to the future organization.
- Take a look at your organisational structure. Redesign the structure to make sure that teams have the autonomy to achieve their ambitions but also the necessary synergies between them ensuring efficiency.
- How to unlock the people power of your organisation? Share ownership by letting them design their path to achieve goals, by exploring new ways in doing business. Make sure that your people are comfortable and equipped to lead the change. Get insights in their doubts, concerns and uncertainties.
- How to improve your innovation capabilities? Look for the innovators in your organisation. Create an innovation culture. Set up innovation processes and tools.
- How to leverage your innovation ecosystem? Partner with companies that have complementary services or competencies.
Your entire organisation is ready and aligned to be part of the future. It is prepared for change. Or better said: it is the change itself.
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Business transformation
External drivers shape the future context of your organisation. Be able to navigate your organisation, taking into account uncertain developments, by exploring possible scenarios. With the right business modelling, business development plan and innovation management, you will not be left behind. Better yet, you will be able to create a competitive edge. Together with your ecosystem of partners and stakeholders.