Idea management is a powerful instrument that allows organisations to harness the collective intelligence of their employees and stakeholders to drive innovation and achieve strategic goals. It includes a systematic approach to generating, capturing, evaluating and implementing ideas, fostering a culture of creativity and collaboration within the organisation.

6 pitfalls in idea management

Effective idea management practices allow organisations to tap into the wealth of different perspectives, experiences and expertise within their workforce. By encouraging ideas and at the same time providing a structured framework for their development, idea management enables organisations to stay ahead of the competition.

It will help you to turn innovative concepts into actionable strategies, products and services that create value for customers and drive business growth.

In today's rapidly evolving world, where innovation is key to success, embracing idea management is not just a choice, but a necessity for organisations that want to thrive in the dynamic landscape of opportunities and challenges. During our webinar, we shared some critical aspects, including some pitfalls.

TomorrowLab & Yambla
Webinar Idea Management

The proper assistance to start your innovation journey

TomorrowLab cooperates with various companies and organisations on a daily basis to implement innovation excellence. Where management has a great desire to innovate, it is often difficult to implement it – especially when it comes to the concerns of a large company or organisation.

Step by step, TomorrowLab helps to define an innovation strategy that serves the company’s strategy, we have our own innovation excellence track for that.

Once all parties agree on the innovation strategy and the topics we want to innovate in are decided, we get to the teaching and learning part. We do this, not only by bringing innovation methodologies like design thinking or lean canvasses for example, but also by empowering the knowledge and ideas within the company and their network.

We believe that every employee, customer or partner has specific knowledge and a valuable perspective on the organisation and interesting innovation tracks. This is a highly critical succes factor, since innovation is more embedded in these organisations, and it's more easily integrated into the daily way of working. Our dream for our clients: an innovative organisation where innovation is so normal and ingrained in a company's culture, that a separate innovation team becomes obsolete.

Idea management platforms: little factories of dreams and innovation, if you know how to use them

Add a touch of professionality with idea management platforms, such as Yambla. They can be very helpful in enabling idea management, as they are designed to facilitate the collection, organisation, and evaluation of ideas within an organisation or community.

An idea management platform acts as a catalyst for innovation, enabling organisations to tap into the diverse perspectives and ideas of their employees or community members, leading to improved problem-solving, increased employee engagement, and enhanced organisational creativity.

Webinar: Why innovation fails

Webinar: Why innovation fails

Did you miss the webinar?

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How can AI be effectively integrated in the work process?

Embracing AI tools can elevate our professional capabilities and boost efficiency and productivity. However, mastering these tools takes time, commitment, and a willingness to experiment and learn through trial and error. Here are some practical tips & tricks to kickstart your AI journey.

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Navigating the first stress-test of scenario planning

Last week, I had the privilege of taking another enlightening journey through the realm of scenario planning and future strategy with a group of high-flyers from different disciplines. It was the first time this group subjected their carefully prepared scenarios to a stress test. This moment, brimming with a delightful mix of joy, anticipation, and a touch of nervousness, was a milestone for all involved.

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The future of mobility and how it can impact you

The way we think about and organise mobility is dramatically changing. Over the past decades, transportation and urban development have been centred around owning a combustion engine vehicle and driver comfort. Today, policymakers, technology developers, manufacturers, and urban planners are increasingly focusing on smart mobility. Various modes of transportation, urban redesign, and changing business models seek to integrate sustainability, safety and efficiency in smart mobility.

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Mastering Change Management

Change is a constant within the realm of innovation. Navigating your team, organisation and stakeholders throughout the development or implementation of new products or services, a new process approach or a new organisational structure. It often creates resistance for multiple reasons. There's no quick fix in helping people throughout this change, but with the help of these 5 pivotal questions, you can embark on crafting a comprehensive change strategy.

Artificial Intelligence with Robots

The future of innovation is here, and it's powered by Generative AI

In the age of rapid technological advancements, AI has become a household name. But what exactly is AI? At its core, Artificial Intelligence is the ability of a computer to think and learn. We see its manifestations in various forms - from DeepL's impressive translations to Netflix's uncanny ability to recommend shows, and Tesla's autopilot driving feature. However, the spotlight today is on a specific subset of AI: Generative AI.

Passenger drone

Is Advanced Air Mobility ready for lift-off?

The rapid advancements in technology have unlocked exciting possibilities for the future of transportation. Advanced Air Mobility (AAM), which encompasses technologies like electric propulsion, battery technology, sensors, autonomous flight, and 5G communication networks, holds great promise for transforming passenger transport and parcel delivery.

Delivery drone

The innovators revolutionizing passenger and parcel drone solutions

The rise of advanced air mobility has paved the way for exciting innovations in the field of passenger and parcel drones. As the demand for efficient and sustainable transportation solutions grows, numerous companies around the world are actively developing cutting-edge technologies in this domain. Here are some of the key players shaping the future of passenger and parcel drone systems.


Infographic - the future of work

That the way we look at work is going to change significantly in the future is a certainty. But which evolutions are really going to determine how we shape our work? Discover it in this infographic!


You don't need to know the future to be ready for it

Businesses around the world are struggling to prepare for a sustainable future, especially in times where all well-known paradigms seem to be shifting. There is much uncertainty, little confidence, but most commonly little practice in cross company cooperation. That is where TomorrowLab comes in. Building bridges and guiding with domain expertise, consultants show the way forward.

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Welcome to the creator economy in the metaverse

Say what? Well, that is how the future of communication and media presents itself. It’s about creators, technology and Generation Z. Time to put prejudices and misconceptions aside and look at the bigger picture of the creator economy.

Tomorrow Lab team

How to successfully transform your organisation

Is your organisation fit for its future purpose? For a large part, that depends on how you deal with external drivers. In this blogpost we share with you 4 guiding questions and supporting tips to help you transform your organisation from what it is today to what it should/could be in the future.

MG 6268 min

5 ways to charm Gen Z in your communication

They prefer texting over talking. They were the first to grow up with access to the internet, smartphones, and social media. They are a generation of digitally connected individuals, using technology to communicate, to stay informed, and to participate in online communities.

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Is your business strategy ready for the future?

Mike Tyson once said: “everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face”. In other words, it's good to have a strategic plan, but it's better to be prepared when a crisis hits. Also, strategy is never a finished product. It must constantly adapt to unexpected events and new trends. In this article, we open our toolbox and share some of our techniques for future-proofing your strategy.

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Living Tomorrow and TomorrowLab prepare their future

Since they were founded, Living Tomorrow and TomorrowLab have been defining companies in the Belgian innovation landscape. This impressive growth path and ambitious plans have led to a few shifts in management. Yin Oei becomes CEO of Living Tomorrow and Joachim De Vos, as managing partner, becomes more than ever the driving innovation force of Living Tomorrow Group.

Tomorrow Lab BMC

6 ways to get the most out of your Business Model Canvas

Strategyzer’s Business Model Canvas (BMC) is a great tool to map out the crucial elements of your business strategy. Here at TomorrowLab, we use it a lot in customer workshops. Unfortunately, stubborn misconceptions or a lack of knowledge often prevent organisations to get good results with this tool. To make this easier for you, here are six ways to get more out of your BMC sessions.

Digital twin

The rise of the digital twin: driving innovation across industries

The digital twin has become one of the pillars of Industry 4.0. This digital representation of a physical process or service has become standard practice in modern engineering to drive innovation and improve performance. But the digital twin is gaining attention in other sectors as well, such as healthcare and smart cities.

Philip Meyfroot

The Future of Wallets

Are we soon saying goodbye to cash currency or even the bank card? Following a roundtable with industry insiders, TomorrowLab sums up: what are the opportunities, threats, and challenges in the field of finance with 2030 as horizon? The conclusion for our future wallet is as fascinating as it is unpredictable.

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“If you snooze, you lose”

Maybe more than any other business, communication, press and media are transforming rapidly as a result of technological advancement, such as Artificial Intelligence. How do professionals cope with this changing context? What is the impact on their role? And how will skills be shifting in the future? TomorrowLab and BelgaClub (Network of Belgian Spokespersons) yielded some interesting insights from a survey into the matter.

Sports in the new era

Sports in this new era

Recent global developments such as the pandemic, extreme weather and growing polarization will definitively change the playing field for sports. How and why we play sports is determined by these external factors which, at first glance, have nothing to do with sports.

TomorrowLab hackathon

Formats for reconnecting your teams

After months on our virtual island, we are stepping out of our cocoons again, still somewhat cautiously. Teams find each other again at the office, at the coffee machine (never underestimate the breeding ground power of the coffee machine!).

Hackathon Tomorrow Lab

Make or break your innovation strategy: decide actions!

In the first blog of this series, we talked about how to build understanding of the challenges with which your organisation is dealing today. This phase is crucial to define a joint ambition. In the second blog, we had a look at the next step: how to shape choices. And now, it’s time to take action! Let’s have a look at some examples and how to do this.

Tomorrow Lab event

Make or break your innovation strategy: shape choices

In our previous blog, we talked about how building understanding is key in succesful innovation projects. It’s a first and crucial step to understand your company’s challenges and to keep your eyes and ears open for signals from the outside. When that’s clear it’s time to shape choices within your organisation!


Create a sense of urgency under any condition

We’ve seen that we can innovate quickly when we’re faced with a major existential crisis, but how do organisations create a sense of urgency during day-to-day business? For day-to-day innovations like systems introductions, new product rollouts, major process shifts…. Because the truth is that most of these initiatives are urgent and existential; it’s just that they don’t always feel that way. In this article, we will share some experiences that you can apply to your business to create that sense of urgency.

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How can you boost your innovation with limited resources?

Many organisations struggle with a shortage of resources for their innovation projects. So how do you ensure that your innovation engine runs as efficiently as possible with as little fuel as possible (people, financial resources, ...)? Should you rather speed up or slow down? And where should you put your efforts? If there is one magic answer, it’s “focus”!

Keynote Karen Sprengers

3 innovation challenges and how to tackle them

Keeping the innovation engine running at all times is key for your business survival in the long run. That might be challenging nowadays, since we’ve all been focused on keeping our business up and running in the short term. We’ve asked companies about their main challenges and we’ll give you an overview about how to tackle them.


5 steps to help you embrace uncertainty

How do you decide on the right direction for 2021 if everything can be different tomorrow? Does it make sense to plan when everything is uncertain? Not knowing what tomorrow will bring creates unrest and can even paralyze some organizations. Navigating and setting a course for your organization is more challenging than ever before.

Innovation roles

Your employees at the driver's seat for innovation

In order to innovate successfully within your company, it is crucial that employees are assigned an involved role. In a previous blog, we underlined the importance of an organisational network analysis (ONA). An analysis in which we identify different key network roles. But what exactly do those roles look like? And why are they important for the success rate of your business innovation?


How the world of sports can conquer Corona

As unbelievable as it sounds, the Corona crisis that has been holding court for over half a year now hasn’t been exclusively negative. Sure, the amount of uncertainty it has created for citizens, business leaders, parents, and employees, is incredibly high. And, of course, the sports industry is no exception.

Agile strategy

Ondernemen in tijden van COVID-19

Bedrijven zitten vaak vast in een operationele context, waarbij de bedrijfsstrategie niet meer is dan een extrapolatie van het verleden. Dit werkt niet meer. Om vandaag de dag succesvol te zijn, moet je de vinger aan de pols houden.

Innovation system

How to identify the blind spots in your organization's vision?

Great opportunities and potential threats are rarely obvious from the beginning. And yet, failing to see early signs of change can make your company irrelevant in time. How can you make sure you identify those blind spots early on? And how can you install a culture of continuous vigilance?

Herman Van Rompuy online round table

Speech Herman Van Rompuy

Last week we organized an online round table with Herman Van Rompuy, President emeritus European Council and President of the Advisory Board of TomorrowLab. You can read his speech over here.

Ambulance drone

How can you anchor innovation in a government organisation?

Local authorities and governments have to keep up with technological and digital developments in public space. By adopting innovative and digital technologies, our cities remain liveable and we make them smarter. But how do we get there, cities and municipalities of the future?

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What does Covid-19 teach us about the future of e-Mobility?

Covid-19 has most of us confined to our homes, with a significant impact on our economy. Like in any other crisis, this has an immediate impact on our electricity consumption. E-mobility is strongly related to the availability and pricing of our energy. So let’s start there.

Two judo fighters showing technical skill while QCKA9 PW

Sport in uw kot!

Niemand kon zich in januari inbeelden dat enkele weken later de voetbalcompetitie zou worden stopgezet, het klassieke wielervoorjaar weg zou vallen, dat EK’s, WK’s en Olympische Spelen zouden worden uitgesteld… Plots blijkt sport langs de ene kant heel relatief, maar langs de andere kant ook broodnodig voor ons fysiek en mentaal welbevinden. Wat betekent de huidige coronacrisis voor de sportwereld? Onze innovation designer Griet, gespecialiseerd in sportinnovatie, geeft haar visie.

Waarom contact tracing call centers wel innovatief (kunnen) zijn

Je leest het overal. De presentatie van de Veiligheidsraad kon op zijn minst beter, toch qua vorm. Maar het meest wordt er gelachen met de keuze van contact tracing via call-center met 1.000 operatoren. Volgens vele commentaren is dit terug naar de 19de eeuw met bakeliet telefoons, kleitabeletten en faxtoestellen. Niks is minder waar.

Joachim de vos tomorrowlab

Wat kan je bedrijf leren uit de overheidsaanpak?

Een duim voor de overheid en haar expertteam. In een mum van tijd organiseerden zij zich bijzonder efficiënt en namen ze doortastende maatregelen. Via een ongeziene stroom van onderbouwde informatie en aanbevelingen houden ze ons op de hoogte, én in het gareel. Dit is wat jij hieruit kan meenemen.


Innovation during crisis

In the coming weeks and months, our businesses will be challenged to show their resilience as an organisation. Now more than ever, we can do things that will have an impact on our future. 3 burning questions we hear a lot nowadays.

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How can we help you?

In order to help your organisation to get a grip on innovation and achieve short-term tangible results, we develop your future strategy. This is how we do it!

Business services

Speed vs strategy

Understandably, business leaders have become obsessed with moving fast in a world that changes at increasing speed. But when you go fast without knowing where you are going, you could end up getting lost.